Junior Merit Scholarship 2024 : Deadline soon

Odisha Govt has announced the Junior Merit Scholarship 2024 for class XI, those who passed class X with more than 60% score. Under this scholarship scheme, 10,000 number of students will be granted of INR 3000/- for two years that is in class XI and XII. Visit official website to apply online and scroll down to avoid mistakes before applying.

  • Students must be from Odisha as an permanent resident.
  • The students must have passed HSC exam 60% or more marks from an institute recognize by BSE Odisha, ICSE, CBSE, Eqvt. boards, and pursuing regular Class XI courses of 10+2 (XI & XII).
  • The annual income of parents of the applicants should not exceed 6.00 lakhs including all sources of income.
  • Students shall apply for Junior Merit Scholarship 2024 in the 1st year of the class XI
  • Start Applying today at Odisha Scholarship portal.
  • Students must be doing a regular basis, Distance learning or correspondence are not eligible for scholarship.
  • Applicants those are already availing scholarship from any other source from state Govt or Central govt for pursuing their 11th &12th.
  • Students studying abroad
  • Invalid application of the students means not validated by the Concerned Principal/Institution during class XI admission.

Have you applied for Odisha Post matric Scholarship 2024, then Check application status here

The factors mentioned below will be taken into consideration:

i. In this scheme following eligibility conditions must be Fulfilled.

ii. The Principal or Headmaster of concerned Higher Secondary School/ Institute must validate or authenticate the Online record of student.

iii. Final Merit/ Selection lists of the students will be published in terms of percentage of marks secured in the High School Certificate (HSC) examination. This will be chosen only from the validated students in the merit, proportionately basing on the data. There will be 10000 students to be selected (5000 Girls and 5000 Boys) in descending order of the merit list till it reaches 10000 numbers.

For instance, a student who has secured 95% of mark in the last examination shall come first then the student who has secured 94.5% mark and so on.

iv. In case of percentage of marks becomes equal of two students, then in this type of case priority should be given to that student which parental annual income is less.

The grading system in the form of CGPA of CBSE/ICSE board. Here is the conversion formula of Grade points to the percentage, formula Percentage (%) = CGPA x 9.5

Scholarships for Class XI students will be given in equal proportion to boys and girls. If there aren’t enough eligible boys or girls, then the remaining scholarships will go to other eligible students.

  • Students should not register or apply multiple times for the same merit category.
  • If any documents are found to be invalid, unauthorized the application will be rejected.
  • Any incorrect information entered by the student, such as parental income, maximum and secured marks, or mark percentages, that leads to rejection of the application and it will be the student’s complete responsibility.

The scholarship would be sanctioned when all the eligibility criteria is fulfilled by the student as prescribed and proper validation/authentication by the Principals of the concerned Higher Secondary Schools/ Institutes in online mode only. Student will get the scholarship amount directly to their registered bank account by DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) mode made by the Directorate of Higher Secondary Education.

To get the junior merit scholarship amount directly to your bank account properly, applicant must register an active and valid account in any nationalized bank which has Electronic Clearing System (ECS)/ Core Banking facility.

The registered bank account must be in the name of applicant/ student only.

So take care of these data to be submitted accurately like Bank/Branch name, saving bank account number and IFSC code ensure smooth transfer of scholarship amount.

The scholarship grant may be cancelled if the following criteria found

i. If the student is found to have provided false statements/ unauthorized documents.

ii. If the student has already discontinued his/her studies, but still again applied for the scholarship. It will be stopped from the subsequent year automatically.

Students are eligible for the scholarship for the entire course duration.

Scholarships under the State Scholarship Portal are automatically renewable if the student continues in Class XII and it should be validated by the institute online.

For the renewal of the Junior Merit scholarship 2024 -25 , the names of previously selected students will be listed in the Principal’s login ID. Only students continuing in the current academic year need to be authenticated online by the Principal. Students who have dropped out or passed out in HSS exam will not be validated.

The Principal or Head of the institution or school is responsible for authenticating eligible students based on the school record and in login id.

Announcement and Mode of Submission of Scholarship Application for Fresh Scholarship.

Applications are invited from eligible students each year through the State Scholarship Portal. Physical applications are not accepted, only online registrations are accepted.

Only verified online applications are considered for scholarships grant.

All eligible Students studying in SAMS & Non-SAMS Higher Secondary Schools must upload documents such as the current year’s family income certificate, HSC mark sheet, resident certificate, bank account details, Aadhar Card, and Higher Secondary School ID card. Before applying you can check again the instructions available on the State Scholarship Portal.

Aadhaar Card authentication is mandatory to avoid duplicity.

Students from Odisha studying outside Odisha must also apply online.

Applications not validated by the Higher Secondary School/Institute will be considered “Invalid”.

A merit selection list will be generated from verified applications.

ii. To avoid duplicity of Aadhaar Card, authentication is mandatory.

iii. The Outside students, means Odisha but studying outside Odisha, are also eligible to apply online for this scholarship.

iv. Applications those are not validated by the Higher Secondary School/Institution will be treated as “Invalid”.

V. Once the applications are verified, Merit selection list according to quota would be generated.

i. Domicile or Resident certificate to be issued by the competent authority, that is from the respective Tahasildar /Additional Tahasildar. The applicants whose parents are working under Odisha State Government can produce resident certificate from the employer.

ii. Annual income Certificate to be issued by the competent authority, like the Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahasildar or Additional Tahasildar.

iii. Mark sheets & Certificate of HSC exam from an institution recognized by BSE Odisha, CBSE, ICSE, Equivalent Boards.

iv. First page of the Bank passbook, where the account number and IFSC mentioned of the applying student.

v. Higher Secondary School ID card issued by Headmaster or same authority level. If School ID Card not available, the student may provide Admission receipt/Library Card/Letter of Undertaking from Head Master of school.

vi. Aadhaar Card of the Applying Student.

Higher Secondary Schools:

The Head of Institution, Headmaster/principal has to ensure genuineness of the student, whether he/she is studying in the your School / Institution for the particular year.

Accuracy of the data provided like parental income, marks sheet, bank account, details of Aadhar card, Higher Secondary School ID card or any other card and residence proof to be verified.

Suppose some error is found in the application of the student, the Principal / Headmaster will rectify the error.

If all data provided are correct, Headmaster should authenticate the record of the student and uploaded for scholarship by the Directorate. Merit selection list will be withdrawn only from the records authenticated by the Principal /Headmaster within the timeline given for the purpose.

If any student had applied more than once, only single record will be authenticated by the principal/Headmaster.

What is the last date to apply Junior Merit Scholarship, Odisha?

The last date is 16th December 2024, apply before to avoid the last hour rush.

Can a class 12 student apply for Odisha Junior merit scholarship?

No, only student joined in Class-11 and secured 60% above marks in class-10 can apply for the JM scholarship.

How much money given in Junior merit scholarship 2024?

A Yearly stipend of Rs 3000/- given to students selected for Merit scholarship, junior.

If students studying outside Odisha, can apply for junior merit scholarship 2024?

Yes, if any student belong to Residence of state of Odisha, but studying class-11 outside the state is eligible to apply.

Student studying in Odisha but not belongs to Odisha State, can he apply for Scholarship?

No, to be eligible for applying any scholarship provided by Govt. of Odisha, requires residence proof of Odisha, so if you don’t belongs to state, you are not eligible.

How many students get selected for Junior Merit scholarship, Odisha?

In Merit scholarship, Junior category, total 10000 students selected with 50% girls and 50% boys ratio.

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